Sunday, November 28, 2010

Monday morning shopping

Hiro goes to the market every monday to get us our food for the week. / Hiro va au marche tout les lundi pour acheter la bouf the la semaine.

The market.  The man sitting on a moto is a moto taxi.  It cost about 30 cent to go to the market by moto taxi and come back.  The driver will wait for you. / Le marche.  L'homme assis sur la moto est une moto taxi.  Ca coute a peu pres 30 cent pour aller au marcher en moto taxi et revenir.  Le chauffeur va t'attendre.

Chickens and ducks are sold outside the market, alive. / Les poulets et canards sont vendu a l'exterieur vivants.

Meet section. / La section des viandes.


We can only buy duck eggs. / On peut acheter que des oeufs de canards.

Fruit section. / La section des fruits.

Vegetables section. As you probably notice, people often wear their PJ's to the market, sellers as well as buyers. / La section des legumes. Vous avez probablement remarquer que les gens portent souvent le pijama au marche, vendeurs et clients.

Don't ask me what that is! / J'ai aucune idee de ce que c'est!

Dried fish, pickles, etc. / Poissons seches, pickles, etc.

It is to cut the rice in the patties. /  C'est pour couper le riz dans les champs.

Got everything for the week! / J'ai tout ce qu'il faut pour 1 semaine.

Here is what we eat in a week / Voici ce qu'on mange en 1 semaine: 1 kl  potatoes / patates (1.25$), 2 kl  tomatoes / tomates (1$), 1 kl oinions / oignons (0.75) , 1 pumpkin / citrouille (0.30), 10 eggs / oeufs (1$), garlic / ail (0.20), 4 limon / citrons (0.25), 1 kl carrots / carottes (0.85), 2 bitter melon / melon amer (0.20), 1 eggplant / aubergine (0.25), 1 white radish / radis blanc (0.20), 1 kl mangos, mangues (1$), 1 kaki (0.20), bananas / banane (0.30), 1 kl pork / porc (3.50), 5 kl riz (3.75), greens / herbes (0.25), 1 box of noodles / boite de nouilles (3.50)

Bonne Appetit!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing that you can make such delicious food out of things from THAT market! :) Next time lets try the stuff in the buckets!!
